Since day one, I have harboured a distaste in my mouth towards the Australian powerpoint. I dislike the shape of it, the inconvenience of it, the setup of it, and the submission of it to my needs; I would consider it a hate-hate relationship.
No, no... I'm not talking about Word Powerpoint, the user-loving software program that is the star of all my business presentations. I'm talking about the point on the wall where electrical power flows from, or as North Americans call it, the electrical outlet/plug.
North American Plug (Left) vs. Australian Plug (Right)
Since my connectors are not angled crookedly, I was forced to purchase a power converter. I purchased one in Canada manufactured by Fusion (worthless piece of shit, would not recommend). However, due to its refusal to convert, I had to buy a new (working) one in Australia.
Wikipedia describes the normal relationship of plugs as, "An electric plug is a
male electrical connector with contact prongs to connect mechanically and electrically to slots in the matching
female socket." If this is the case, then what would my power converter be technically classified as, the electrical connector condom?
The worst about Australian powerpoints are the redundant on/off switch for each and every outlet, as seen in the photo above. I'm guessing they're there for safety reasons, but it is unbelievably annoying to wake up the next morning and finding my phone battery still dead because the power outlet was left in the 'off' position the night before. Even the hand-dryers in the public bathrooms are connected to outlets that have on/off switches. When would they ever need to be in the 'off' position? However, the set up is perfect for April Fools Day, devilishly turn them to the 'off' position and wonder if anyone notices.
Regardless, as long as none of my North American electronics are able to properly mate with any Australian plugs, I don't think the powerpoints or myself can move beyond this mutual feeling of loathing.