A Series of Unfortunate Events

Category: By Thomas

What a shit day.

I am not one to whine about tiresome things.... okay, that's a lie. Regardless, due to my laid-back nature, I find I am tolerant of random shitty-ness events happening to me, but when they come as a series of back-to-back-to-back shitness, it only leaves me to thinking, What the bloody hell?

Let's begin my rant:

  • Only obtained four hours of sleep; thank-fucking-you 'delta-whatever currency risk exposure hedging' tutorial questions
  • Had to wake up at 8:00 AM for a 10:00 AM class... that was only an hour long
  • Went for a walk to Randwick... TWICE because it was too early for me to go to sleep at lunchtime
  • Internet on campus won't work for me, only GOD knows why
  • It's Thursday so a brand new episode of Supernatural should be on tonight, but it's not Thursday in North America
  • I miss my dog
  • I failed at cooking caramelized onions
  • I can't shave, why....?
  • Because the power in my apartment blew out!
  • And my only option for movie-watching tonight is... 'New Moon'... ... ... BLEHHHHHHHH!!

As I was sitting in my apartment in the dark, I caught my mind wandering to the ceiling because watching the paint peel is one miniscule iota more entertaining than succumbing to boredom (too late), the epitome of 'Could this get any worst!' shined on me! Well, not literally; it was still pitch dark in my apartment. The best way I can describe the subsequent occurrences of random shitty-ness and the end result of it all is by a quote from the film The First Day of the Rest of Your Life that I saw at the French Film Festival:

"Hit rock bottom, and kept on digging."

However, it's simply just a day. It only lasts 24 hours, and like this shit day, it will soon be over and tomorrow everything will start anew. I'll be able to get a decent amount of sleep because I'm already dead-tired, MSN/facebook won't keep me up late because I have no power in my flat, I'm listening to an awesome remix of Daft Punk because the internet is finally working, and tomorrow I'm skipping class to go to the beach in order to bathe in 28 degrees of sexy sunshine all day :D

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