The Arrival

Category: , , By Thomas
Finally, after many months of preparing and waiting, I have arrived in Aussieland!

Looking back in time from when I found out that I was going off to Australia to when boarding the Boeing airplane for a 16-hour flight from California, I've been through a helluva lot just to get to Sydney! To mention a few: a shit job, an amazing job, Walt Disney World in Florida, studying like mad, losing my wallet in the airport for 5 minutes and the World's Worst Landlords. But, I survived the good, the bad and the ugly.

Regardless, I'm glad to be out of the (once) harsh cold winter of Canada to the warm summer of Australia.
Weather: -10°C • My Backyard

Weather: 25°C • Coogee Beach

It has only been five days since the arrival, yet I've already met a lot of new people and discovered a lot of new things. I'll end off with a little sample:
  • 'Ketchup' is actually called 'Tomato'; ie. Tomato Chips
  • Tomato Chips don't actually exist in Australia
  • Everyone drives on the left side of the road
  • Unconsciously looking left to cross the road = Dangerous!
  • Some Aussie's are hobbits - don't wear shoes in public
  • Cereal clumps popularly come rectangular
  • 'Bar Hopping' is also known as 'Pub Crawling'
  • 1:30 is actually 'One-half' when telling time in Irish
  • 'Type A' personalities are an@l
  • Bats CAN attack
  • A transit system exists that is actually worse than the TTC

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